- Rofles MA, Talbot HK, Huong QM, Stockwell MS, Ellingson KD, Lutrick KL, Bowman MN, Bendall EE, Bullock A, Chappell JD, Deyoe JE, Gilbert J, Halasa NB, Hart KE, Johnson S, Ahra K, Lauring AS, Lin JT, Lindsell CJ, McLaren S, Meece JK, Mellis AM, Zivanovich MM, Ogokeh CE, Rodriguez M, Sano E, Silverio Francisco RA, Schmitz JE, Vargas CY, Yang A, Zhu Y, Belongia EA, Reed C, Grijalva CG. Household Transmission of Influenza A Viruses in 2021-2022. JAMA. 2023. Jan 26. PMID: 36701144
- †Ellingson KD, Hollister J, Porter CJ, Khan SM, Feldstein LR, Naleway AL, Gaglani M, Caban-Martinez AJ, Tyner HL, Lowe AA, Olsho LEW, Meece J, Yoon SK, Mak J, Kuntz JL, Schaefer Solle N, Respet K, Baccam Z, Wesley MG, Thiese MS, Yoo YM, Odean MJ, Miiro FN, Pickett SL, Phillips AL, Grant L, Romine JK, Herring MK, Hagemann KT, Mayo Lamberte J, Sokol B, Jovel JS, Thompson MG, Rivers P, Pilishvili T, Lutrick K, Burgess JL, Midgley CM, Fowlkes AL. Risk Factors for reinfection with the SARS-Cov-2 Omicron variant among previously infected frontline workers. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2023. Jan 26; 29(3). PMID: 3670352
- †Hawkes BA, Khan SM, Bell ML, Guernsey de Zapien J, Ernst KC, Ellingson KD. Healthcare System Distrust and Non-Prescription Antibiotic Use: a cross-sectional survey of adult antibiotic users. Antibiotics. 2023 Jan 1; 12(10); 79. PMID: 36671280
- Pu J, Miranda J, Minior D, Reynolds S, Rayhorn B, Ellingson KD, Galgiani JN. Improving Early Recognition of Coccidioidomycosis in Urgent Care Clinics Analysis of an Implemented Education Program. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2023 Jan 31; 10(10). PMID: 36733697
- Herring MK, Romine JK, Wesley MG, Ellingson KD, Yoon SK, Caban-Martinez AJ, Meece J, Gaglani M, Grant L, Olsho LEW, Tyner HL, Naleway AL, Khan SM, Phillips AL, Schaefer NS, Rose S, Mak J, Fuller SB, Hunt A, Kuntz JL, Beitel S, Yoo YM, Zheng PQ, Arani G, Mayo Lamberte J, Edwards T, Thompson MG, Sprissler R, Thornburg NJ, Lowe AA, Pilishvili T, Uhrlaub JL, Burgess JL, Fowlkes AL. SARS-CoV-2 infection history and response to three COVID-19 vaccine doses. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2022. Dec 29. PMID: 36578137.
- Glowicz J, Landon E, Aiello AE, deKay K, Hoffmann KK, Maragakis L, Olmsted R, Polgreen PM, Sickbert-Bennett EE, Trexler PA, VanAmringe MA, Wood AR, Yakoe D, Ellingson KD. Strategies to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections through Hand Hygiene: 2022 Update for SHEA/IDSA/APIC Practice Recommendations. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. Accepted November 15, 2022
- †Madera Garcia V, Soto J, Ellingson K, Jacobs E, Walker K, Ernst K. Preferences and demand for mosquito control among dengue-endemic communities in Peñuelas, Puerto Rico: an application of the best-worst choice model. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Accepted October 18, 2022.
- †HEROES-RECOVER Network, Thompson MG, Yoon SK, Naleway AL, Meece J, Fabrizio TP, Caban-Martinez AJ, Burgess JL, Gaglani M, Olsho LEW, Bateman A, Lundgren J, Grant L, Phillips AL, Groom HC, Stefanski E, Solle NS, Ellingson KD, Lutrick K, Dunnigan K, Wesley MG, Guenther K, Hunt A, Mak J, Hegmann KT, Kuntz JL, Bissonnette A, Hollister J, Rose S, Morrill TC, Respet K, Fowlkes AL, Thiese MS, Rivers P, Herring MK, Odean MJ, Yoo YM, Brunner M, Bedrick EJ, Fleary DE, Jones JT, Praggastis J, Romine J, Dickerson M, Khan SM, Lamberte JM, Beitel S, Webby RJ, Tyner HL. Association of mRNA Vaccination with Clinical and Virologic Features of COVID-19 Among US Essential and Frontline Workers. JAMA. 2022 Oct 18;328(15):1523-1533. PMID: 36255426
- Lutrick K, Fowlkes A, Rivers P, Herder K, Santibanez TA, LeClair L, Groover K, Lamberte JM, Grant L, Odame-Bamfo L, Ferraris MV, Phillips AL, Sokol B, Lowe AA, Mathenge C, Pubillones FA, Cottam B, McLeland-Wieser H, Jovel KS, Ochoa JS, Mckell J, Berry M, Khan S, Solle NS, Rai RP, Nakayima FM, Newes-Adeyi G, Porter C, Baccam Z, Ellingson KD, Burgess JL, Gaglani M, Gwynn L, Caban-Martinez A, Yoon S. Parental Intentions and Perceptions Toward COVID-19 Vaccination Among Children Aged 4 Months to 4 Years – PROTECT Cohort, Four States, July 2021 – May 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2022 Sep 2;71(35):1109-1114. PMID: 36048723
- †Chandler AB, Wank AA, Vanuk JR, O’Connor MF, Dreifuss BA, Dreifuss HM, Ellingson KD, Khan SM, Freidman SE, Athey A. Implementing Psychological First Aid for Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Feasibility Study of the ICARE Model. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2022 Sep 8; 1-8. PMID: 36076146
- †Ramadan FA, Bea JW, Garcia DO, Ellingson KD, Canales RA, Raichlen DA, Klimentidis YC. Association of Sedentary and Physical Activity Behaviors with Body Composition: a Genome-Wide Association and Mendelian Randomization Study. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. 2022 Aug 2;8(3). PMID: 35990758
- Burns J, Rivers P, LeClair LB, Jovel KS, Rai RP, Lowe AA, Edwards LJ, Khan SM, Mathenge C, Ferraris M, Kuntz JL, Lamerte JM, Hegmann KT, Odean MJ, McLeleand-Weiser H, Beitel S, Odame-Bamfo L, Schaefer Solle N, Mak J, Phillips AL, Sokol BE, Hollister J, Ochoa JS, Grant L, Thiese MS, Jocoby KB, Lutrick K, Pubillones FA, Yoo YM, Rendz Hunt D, Ellingson KD, Berry MC, Gerald JK, Lopez J, Gerald LB, Wesley MG, Krupp K, Herring MK, Madifivanan P, Caban-Martinez AJ, Tyner HL, Meese JK, Soon SK, Fowlkes AL, Naleway AL, Gwynn L, Burgess JL, Thompson MG, Olsho LE, Gaglani M. JMIR Pediatric Research Observing Trends and Exposures in COVID-19 Timelines (PROTECT): Protocol for a Multisite Longitudinal Cohort Study. Res Protoc. 2022 Jul 28;11(7). PMID: 35635842
- Jergovic M, Coplen CP, Uhrlaub JL, Beitel S, Burgess JL, Lutrick K, Ellingson KD, Watanabe M, Nilolich-Žugich J. Cutting Edge: T cell responses to B.1.1.529 (Omicron) SARS-CoV-2 variant induced by COVID-19 infection and/or mRNA vaccination are largely preserved. Journal of Immunology. 2022 Jun 1;208(11):2461-2465. PMID: 35562119
- Yoon SK, Hegmann KT, Thiese MS, Burgess JL, Ellingson KD, Lutrick K, Olsho LEW, Edwards LJ, Sokol B, Caban-Martinez AJ, Schaefer-Solle N, Jones JM, Tyner H, Hunt A, Respet K, Gaglini M, Dunnigan K, Rose S, Naleway A, Groom H, Kuntz J, Fowlkes AL, Thompson MG, Yoo Yu; HEROES-RECOVER Network Investigators. Protection with a Third Dose of mRNA Vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 Variants in Frontline Workers. N Eng J Med. 2022. PMID: 35385628
- †Ramadan F, Ellingson KD, Canales RA, Bedrick EJ, Galgiani JN, Donovan FM. Clinical Predictors of Coccidioidomycosis from a Cross-Sectional Study. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2022 Jun;28(6):1091-1100. PMID: 35608552
- †Fowlkes AL, Yoon SK, Lutrick K, Gwynn L, Burns J, Grant L, Phillips AL, Ellingson K, Ferraris MV, LeClair LB, Mathenge C, Yoo YM, Thiese MS, Gerald LB, Solle NS, Jeddy Z, Odame-Bamfo L, Mak J, Hegmann K, Gerald JK, Ochoa JS, Berry M, Rose S, Mayo Lamberte J, Madhivanan P, Pubilones FA, Rai RP, Dunnigan K, Jones JT, Krupp K, Edwards LJ, Bedrick EJ, Sokol BE, Lowe A, McLeland-Wieser H, Jovel KS, Fleary DE, Khan SM, Poe B, Hollister J, Lopez J, Rivers P, Beitel S, Tyner HL, Naleway AL, Olsho LEW Caban-Martinez AJ, Burgess JL, Thompson MG, Gaglani M. Effectiveness of 2-Dose BNT162b2 (Pfizer BioNTech) mRNA Vaccine in Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Children Aged 5—11 Years and Adolescents Aged 12—15 Years --- PROTECT Cohort, July 2021 – February 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2022 Mar 4; 71(9):352-358. PMID: 35239634
- Dale AP, Hudson MJ, Armenta D, Friebus H, Ellingson KD, Davis K, Cullen T, Brady S, Komatsu KK, Stone ND, Uyeki TM, Slifka KJ, Perez-Valez CM, Keaton AA. Clinical Outcomes of Monoclonal Antibody Therapy During a COVID-19 Outbreak in a Skilled Nursing Facility-Arizona, 2021. J Am Geriatric Soc. 2022 Feb 9. PMID: 35141874
- Naleway AL, Grant L, Caban-Martinez AJ, Wesley MG, Burgess JL, Groover K, Gaglani M, Yoon SK, Tyner HL, Meece J, Kuntz JL, Yoo YM, Schaefer-Solle N, Olsho LEW, Gerald JK, Rose S, Thiese MS, Lundgren J, Groom HC, Mak J, Louzado Feliciano P, Edwards LJ, Lutrick K, Dunnigan K, Phillips AL, Lamberte JM, Noriega R, Sokol BE, Odean M, Ellingson KD, Smith M, Hegmann KT, Respet K, Dickerson M, Cruz A, Fleary DE, Murthy K, Hunt A, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Gallimore-Wilson D, Harder JA, Odame-Bamfo L, Viergutz J, Arvay M, Jones JM, Mistry P, Thompson MG, Fowlkes AL. Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection among COVID-19 Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Healthcare Personnel, First Responders, and other Essential and Frontline Workers— Eight U.S. Locations, January–September 2021. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2022 Jan 13. PMID: 35023288
- †Lutrick K, Rivers P, Yoo YM, Grant L, Hollister J, Jovel K, Khan S, Lowe A, Baccum Z, Hanson H, Olsho LEW, Fowlkes A, Caban-Martinez AJ, Porter C, Yoon S, Meece J, Gaglani M, Burns J, Mayo Lamberte J, Miiro F, Bissonnette A, LeClair L, Kutty PK, Romine JK, Stefanski E, Edwards LJ, Ellingson K., Gerald JK, Bedrick EJ, Madhivanan P, Krupp K, Gerald LB, Thompson M, Burgess JL. Interim Estimate of Vaccine Effectiveness of BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) Vaccine in Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Adolescents Aged 12-17 Years — Arizona, July – December 2021. MMWR. December 31, 2021; Vol. 70(5152); 1761-1765. PMID: 35023288
- †Ellingson KD, Gerald JK, Sun X, Hollister J, Lutrick K, Parker J, Rivers P, Beitel SC, Baccam Z, Mayo Lamberte J, Grant L, Kim E, Bhattarai R, Komatsu K, Meece J, Kutty PK, Thompson MG, Burgess JL. Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Health Care Personnel, First Responders and Other Essential Workers During a Prevaccination Surge in Arizona. JAMA Health Forum. October 22, 2021. PMID: 35977166
- Fowlkes A, Gaglani M, Groover K, These MS, Tyner H, Ellingson K. Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines in Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Frontline Workers Before and During B.1.617.2 (Delta) Variant Predominance – Eight U.S. Locations, December 2020 – August 2021. MMWR. August 24, 2021; Vol. 70. PMID: 34437521
- †Thompson MG, Burgess JL, Naleway AL, Tyner HL, Yoon SK, Meece J, Olsho LEW, Caban-Martinez AJ, Fowlkes A, Lutrick K, Kuntz JL, Dunnigan K, Odean MJ, Hegmann KT, Stefanski ES, Edwards LJ, Schaefer-Solle N, Grant L, Ellingson KD, Groom HC, Zunie T, These MS, Ivacic L, Wesley MG, Mayo Lamberte J, Sun X, Smith ME, Phillips AL, Groover KD, Yoo YM, Gerald J, Brown RT, Herring MK, Joseph G, Beitel S, Morrill TC, Mak J, Rivers P, Harris K, Hunt DR, Arvay ML, Kutty P, Fry AM, Gaglani M. Vaccine Effectiveness of BNT 162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 Vaccines in Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Attenuating Viral RNA Shedding and Disease. N Engl J Med. 2021 Jun 30. PMID: 34192428
- †Lutrick K, Ellingson KD, Baccam Z, Rivers P, Beigel S, Parker J, Sun X, Gerald J, Komatsu K, Kim E, LaFleur B, Grant L, Yoo YM, Kumar A, Mayo Lamberte J, Cowling B, Cobey S, Thornburg NJ, Meece J, Kutty PK, Nikolich J, Thompson MG, Burgess JL. Protocol for the Arizona Healthcare, Emergency Response, and Other Essential Workers Study (AZ HEROES). JMIR Res Protoc. 2021 May 26. PMID: 34057904
- Dale AP, Hudson M, Cullen T, Ellingson KD, Davis K, Armenta D, Friebus H, Currie C, Bhattarai R, Brady S, Komatsu K, Stone N, Uyeki T, Jacobs Slifka K, Perez-Velez C, Keaton A. Administration of Bamlanivimab to Skilled Nursing Facility Residents during a COVID-19 Outbreak, January-February 2021, Arizona. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2021 May 4: Online ahead of print. PMID: 34000267
- Ellingson KD, Noble BN, Buser GL, Snyder GM, McGregor JC, Rock C, Chopra T, Mody L, Furuno JJ, and the SHEA Research Committee. Inter-facility Transfer Communication of Multidrug-Resistant Organism Colonization or Infection Status: Practices and Barriers in the Acute Care Setting. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 2021. April 16:1-6: PMID: 33858543
- †Thompson MG, Burgess JL, Naleway AL, Tyner HL, Yoon SK, Meece J, Olsho LEW, Caban-Martinez AJ, Fowlkes A, Lutrick K, Kuntz JL, Dunnigan K, Odean MJ, Hegmann KT, Stefanski ES, Edwards LJ, Schaefer-Solle N, Grant L, Ellingson KD, Groom HC, Zunie T, These MS, Ivacic L, Wesley MG, Mayo Lamberte J, Sun X, Smith ME, Phillips AL, Groover KD, Yoo YM, Gerald J, Brown RT, Herring MK, Joseph G, Beitel S, Morrill TC, Mak J, Rivers P, Harris K, Hunt DR, Arvay ML, Kutty P, Fry AM, Gaglani M. Interim Estimates of Vaccine Effectiveness of BNT 162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 Vaccines in Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Health Care Personnel, First Responders, and Other Essential and Frontline Workers – Eight U.S. Locations, December 2020—March 2021. MMWR. March 29, 2021; Vol. 70. PMID: 33793460.
- Mody L, Akinboyo IC, Babcock HM, Bischoff WE, Cheng VC, Chiotos K, Claeys KC, Coffey KC, Diekema DJ, Donskey CJ, Ellingson KD, Gilmartin HM, Gohil SK, Harris AD, Keller SC, Klein EY, Krein SL, Kwon JH, Lauring AS, Livorsi DJ, Lofgren ET, Merrill K, Milstone A, Monsees EA, Morgan DJ, Perri LP, Pfeiffer CD, Rock C, Saint S, Sickbert-Bennett E, Skelton F, Suda KJ, Talbot TR, Vaughn VM, Weber DJ, Wiemken TL, Yassin MH, Ziegler MJ, Anderson DJ; SHEA Research Committee. COVID-19 Research Agenda for Healthcare Epidemiology. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2021 Jan 25:1-81. PMID: 33487199
- Patterson P, Ellingson KD, Backus D, Schmitz E. A Syndrome-Based Approach to Antimicrobial Stewardship in an Arizona Skilled Nursing Facility – Moving the Needle through Quality Improvement. Am J Infect Control. 2020 Dec; 48(12):1537-1539. PMID: 32763349
- †Donovan FM, Ramadan FA, Khan SA, Bhaskara A, Lainhart W, Narang A, Mosier J, Ellingson KD, Bedrick E, Saubolle M, Galgiani JN. Comparison of a Novel Rapid Lateral Flow Assay to Enzyme Immunoassay Results for Early Diagnosis of Coccidioidomycosis. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Aug 20. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32818956
- Pu J, Donovan FM, Ellingson K, Leroy GA, Stone J, Galgiani JN. Clinician Practice Patterns that Result in the Diagnosis of Coccidioidomycosis Before or During Hospitalization. Clin Infect Dis. 2020. June 8. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32511677
- †Pogreba-Brown K, Barrett EC, Ellingson KD. The case-case study: An underutilized tool in infection prevention. Am J Infect Control. 2020 Mar;48(3): 342-344. PMID: 31606255
- Ellingson KD, Noble BN, Tran D, Buser GL, Pfeiffer CD, Cassidy PM, Pierce R, Beldavs ZG, Furuno JP. Compliance with Statewide Regulations for Communication of Patients' Multidrug-resistant Organism and Clostridium difficile Status during Transitions of Care. Am J Infect Control. 2020 Apr;48(4):451-453. PMID: 31604624
- Ellingson KD, Pogreba-Brown K, Gerba CP, Elliot SP. Impact of a Novel Antimicrobial Surface Coating on Healthcare-Associated Infections and Environmental Bioburden at Two Urban Hospitals. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Nov 5;71(8): 1807-1813. PMID: 31665372
- Ndegwa L, Hatfield KM, Cochran R, D’lorio E, Gupta N, Kimotho J, Woodard T, Chaves SS, Ellingson KD. Evaluation of a Program to Improve Hand Hygiene in Kenyan Hospitals through Production and Promotion of Alcohol-Based Handrub - 2012-2014. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control. 2019 Jan: 8(2). PMID: 30622703
- Ellingson KD, Kuehnert MJ. Blood safety and emerging infections: Evaluating acceptable costs and risks. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2019; 170(3):203-204. PMID: 30615782
- Weber BR, Noble BN, Bearden DT, Crnich CJ, Ellingson KD, McGregor JC. Furuno JP. Antibiotic prescribing on discharge from the hospital to long-term care facilities: Implications for antimicrobial stewardship requirements in post-acute settings. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2019. Jan 40(1): 18-23. PMID: 30409235
- Weber BR, Noble BN, Bearden DT, Crnich CJ, Ellingson KD, McGregor JC. Furuno JP. Antibiotic prescribing on discharge from the hospital to long-term care facilities: Implications for antimicrobial stewardship requirements in post-acute settings. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2019. Jan 40(1): 18-23. PMID: 30409235
- Ellingson K, Sapiano M, Haass K, Savinkina A, Baker M, Chang K, Henry R, Berger J, Kuehnert M, Basavaraju S. Continued Decline in Blood Collection and Transfusion in the United States – 2015. Transfusion. 2017 Jun;57 Suppl 2:1588-1598. PMID: 28591469
- Ellingson K, Sapiano M, Haass K, Savinkina A, Baker M, Henry R, Berger J, Kuehnert M, Basavaraju S. Cost projections for implementation of safety interventions to prevent transfusion-transmitted Zika virus infection in the United States. Transfusion. 2017 Jun;57 Suppl 2:1625-1633. PMID: 28591470
- Sapiano M, Savinkina A, Ellingson K, Haass K, Baker M, Henry R, Berger J, Kuehnert M, Basavaraju S. Supplemental Findings from the National Blood Collection and Utilization Surveys, 2013 and 2015. Transfusion. 2017 Jun;57 Suppl 2:1599-1624. PMID: 28591471
- Russell K, Hills SL, Oster AM, Porse CC, Danyluk G, Cone M, Brooks R, Scotland S, Schiffman E, Fredette C, White JL, Ellingson K, Hubbard A, Cohn A, Fischer M, Mead P, Powers AM, Brooks JT. Male-to-Female Sexual Transmission of Zika Virus-United States, January-April 2016. Clin Infect Dis. 2017 Jan 15;64(2):211-213. PMID: 27986688
- Ndegwa L, Katz M, Otieno J, Mungai A, Kimathi F, Kollmann M, Breiman R, Njenga K, Nganga Z, Mott J, Ellingson K. Surveillance for Healthcare-Associated Respiratory Infections in Kenya: 2010-2012. Am J Infect Control. 2014 Sep;42(9):985-90. PMID: 25179331
- Yokoe DS, Anderson DJ, Berenholtz SM, Calfee DP, Dubberke ER, Ellingson KD, Gerding DN, Haas JP, Kaye KS, Klompas M, Lo E, Marschall J, Mermel LA, Nicolle LE, Salgado CD, Bryant K, Classen D, Crist K, Deloney VM, Fishman NO, Foster N, Goldmann DA, Humphreys E, Jernigan JA, Padberg J, Perl TM, Podgorny K, Septimus EJ, VanAmringe M, Weaver T, Weinstein RA, Wise R, Maragakis LL. A Compendium of Strategies To Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections in Acute Care Hospitals: 2014 Updates: Executive Summary. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014 Aug;35(8):967-77. PMID: 25026611
- Ellingson K, Haas J, Aiello A, Kusek L, Maragakis L, Olmsted R, Perencivich E, Polgreen P, Schweizer M, Trexler P, VanAmringe M, Yokoe D. Strategies to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections through Hand Hygiene. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014 Aug;35(8):937-60. PMID: 25376074
- Ellingson K, Garcia-Williams A, McCormick K, Woodard T, Mendel P, Khan K, Baker D, McDonald C, Jernigan J, Sinkowitz-Cochran R. Perspectives on Federal Funding for State Healthcare-Associated Infection Programs: Barriers, Facilitators, and Implications for Sustainability. Med Care Res Rev. 2014 May 7;71(4):402-415. PMID: 24806265
- Ellingson K, McCormick K, Sinkowitz-Cochran R, Woodard T, Jernigan J, Srinivasan A, Jernigan J, Rask K. Enhancement of Health Department Capacity for Healthcare-Associated Infection Prevention through Recovery Act-Funded Programs. Am J Public Health. 2014 Apr;104(4):e27-33. PMID: 24524522
- Fischer L, Ellingson K, Sinkowitz-Cochran R. Driving Change through the States: Federal-level technical assistance to state health departments for healthcare-associated infection prevention. Med Care. 2014 Feb;52(2 Suppl 1):S54-9. PMID: 24430267
- Benoit S, Ellingson K, Waterman S, Pearson M. Antimicrobial Resistance in 8 U.S. Hospitals along the U.S.-Mexico Border, 2000-2006. Epidemiol Infect. 2013 Dec 17:1-10. PMID: 24480063
- See I, Lessa F, El Ata OA, Hafez S, Samy K, El-Kholy A, El Anani MG, Ismail G, Kandeel A, Ellingson K, Talaat M. Incidence and Pathogen Distribution of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Pilot Hospitals in Egypt. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2013 Dec;34(12):1281-8. PMID: 24225613
- Ellingson K. Breaking down p-values and 95% confidence intervals: what IPs should know about statistical certainty. Am J Infect Control. 2013. Nov;41(11):1083-4. PMID: 23768440
- Larson E, Behta M, Cohen B, Jia H, Furuya EY, Ross B, Chaudry R, Vawdrey D, Ellingson K. Impact of Electronic Surveillance on Isolation Practices. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2013 Jul;34(7):694-9. PMID: 23739073
- Wise ME, Scott RD, Baggs JM, Edwards JR, Ellingson KD, Fridkin SK, McDonald LC, Jernigan JA. National Estimates of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections in Critical Care Patients. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2013. 34(6):547-54. PMID: 23651883
- Ellingson KD, Palekar RS, Lucero CA, Kurkjian KM, Chai SJ, Schlossberg DS, Vincenti DM, Fink JC, Davies-Cole JO, Magri JM, Arduino MJ, Patel PR. Vascular access hemorrhage deaths among hemodialysis patients: a case review and risk factor analysis. Kidney Int. 2012. 82(6):686-92. PMID: 22695325
- Fries J, Segre AM, Thomas G, Herman T, Ellingson K, Polgreen PM. Monitoring hand hygiene via human observers: how should we be sampling? Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2012. 33(7):689-95. PMID: 22669230
- Morgan DJ, Pineles LL, Shardell M, Young A, Ellingson K, Jernigan JA, Day HR, Thom KA, Harris AD, Perencevich EN. Automated hand hygiene count devices may better measure changes in hand hygiene behavior than standard human observation. Am J Infect Control. 2012. 40(10):955-9. PMID: 22633134
- Gebski V, Ellingson K, Edwards J, Jernigan J, Kleinbaum D. Modeling interrupted time series to evaluate prevention and control of infection in health care. Epidemiol Infect. 2012. 140(12):2131-41. PMID: 22335933
- Ellingson K, Polgreen PM, Schneider A, Shinkunas L, Kaldjian LC, Wright D, Thomas GW, Segre AM, Herman T, McDonald LC, Sinkowitz-Cochran R. Healthcare personnel perceptions of hand hygiene monitoring technology. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2011. 32(11):1091-6. PMID: 22011536
- Rasslan O, Ellingson K, Stricof RL, Grant PS. Infection control: accomplishments and priorities from an individual, state, national, and international perspective. Am J Infect Control. 2011. 39(8):624-7. PMID: 21962839
- Ellingson K, Seem D, Nowicki M, Strong DM, Kuehnert MJ. Estimated risk of human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus infection among potential organ donors from 17 organ procurement organizations in the United States. Am J Transplant. 2011. 11(6):1201-8. PMID: 21645253
- Ellingson K, Muder RR, Jain R, Kleinbaum D, Feng PJ, Cunningham C, Squier C, Lloyd J, Edwards J, Gebski V, Jernigan J. Sustained reduction in the clinical incidence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization or infection associated with a multifaceted infection control intervention. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2011. 32(1):20-5. PMID: 21133794
- Feng PJ, Kallen AJ, Ellingson K, Muder R, Jain R, Jernigan JA. Clinical incidence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization or infection as a proxy measure for MRSA transmission in acute care hospitals. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2011. 32(1):20-5. PMID: 21133793
- Ellingson K, McDonald C. Reexamining methods and messaging for hand hygiene in the era of increasing Clostridium difficile colonization and infection. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2010. 1(6):571-3. PMID: 20429660
- Schaefer MK, Ellingson K, Conover C, Genisca AE, Currie D, Esposito T, Panttila L, Ruestow P, Martin K, Cronin D, Costello M, Sokalski S, Fridkin S, Srinivasan A. Evaluation of International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification Codes for reporting methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections at a hospital in Illinois. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2010. 31(5):463-8. PMID: 20353360
- Ellingson KD, Leventhal JM, Weiss HB. Using hospital discharge data to track inflicted traumatic brain injury. Am J Prev Med. 2008. 34(4 Suppl):S157-62. PMID: 18374268
- CDC (Kightlinger L, Brend SM, Gorlin J, Kemperman MM, Kuehnert MJ, Sejvar JJ, Campbell GL, Farnon EC, Ellingson KD, et al.). West Nile Virus Transmission Through Blood Transfusion --- South Dakota, 2006. MMWR 2007; 56(04):76-79. PMID: 17268405
- Leventhal JM, Larson IA, Abdoo D, Singaracharlu S, Takizawa C, Miller C, Goodman TR, Schwartz D, Grasso S, Ellingson K. Are abusive fractures in young children becoming less common? Changes over 24 years. Child Abuse Negl. 2007. 31(3):311-22. PMID: 17383725
- Horwitz SM, Busch SH, Balestracci KM, Ellingson KD, Rawlings J. Intensive intervention improves primary care follow-up for uninsured emergency department patients. Acad Emerg Med. 2005. 12(7):647-52. PMID: 15995098
- Egbert PR, Jacobson DW, Fiadoyor S, Dadzie P, Ellingson KD. Onchocerciasis: a potential risk factor for glaucoma. Br J Ophthalmol. 2005. 89(7):796-8. PMID: 15965151
- Ellingson KD, Briggs-Gowan MJ, Carter AS, Horwitz SM. Parent identification of early emerging child behavior problems: predictors of sharing parental concern with health providers. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004. 158(8):766-72. PMID: 15289249